Role, Functions & Responsibilities
  1. To consolidate scattered fields of farmers.
  2. Providing road, irrigation channels for every block of land
  3. Providing approach village to roads
  4. Providing habitation for weaker sections
  5. Providing land for planned development
  6. On the spot disposal of disputes related to land
  7. Increase in agricultural productivity

Number of villages taken up in the first round (01-04-2007)

Total number of revenue villages Number of villages included in the first stage Number of villages in which consolidation in completed is the first stage Residual number
107327 100453 98461 1992

Number of villages not included in the consolidation exercise so far - 6874

Number of villages included in the second round (01-04-2007)

Number of villages included in the second round Number of villages where consolidation exercise is completed in the second round Residual number
24152 20038 4114

Strengths of the consolidation project

  • The objectives of the consolidation project are its strength.
  • The consolidation exercise is transparent and democratic in itself.
  • The consolidation operation is time bound, Welfare oriented, land reform scheme.
  • The Consolidation Commissioner is entrusted with all powers/ facilitation for conducting the work.
  • Disposal of land-related disputes by removing unauthorized occupation on Gram Sabha land.
  • Reservation of land for public utilities such as habitation, school, hospital, playing fields, pits for fertilizers, Panchayat building etc to ensure overall development of villages in the future.
  • Improvement in the rural people's standard of living by providing land for housing of weaker sections.
  • Providing consolidated agricultural land to each farmer in place of scattered land plots.
  • Contributing to the Green Revolution by providing irrigation facility and road to each agricultural field.
  • Ensuring development opportunities to every village by providing roads for better transportation of people, cattle and agriculture machines.
  • Settling the disputes among farmers relating to boundaries of fields.
  • Speedy disposal of cases & more efficiency in work due to non- interference of Civil / Revenue Courts